


This pregnancy fatigue, combined with a teething grumpy baby, will be the death of me. My daughter was up every hour last night. 😩😩

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Oh my goodness I thought it was just me. Our son is 9 months and he has FOUR teeth trying to come in on top. He has been so grumpy, refusing naps, waking up multiple times at night, and I have just zero energy or patience to deal with it and have been feeling like the worst parent ever. I need a second trimester rebound already. 😭


Jasmine β€’ Sep 24, 2017
Yeah she eats some table food but mostly nurses and won't take a bottle, unless it's water. πŸ™„ I can't wait until the exhaustion passes a little bit.


Heather β€’ Sep 24, 2017
Oh goodness I can't imagine nursing too. I was exclusively pumping till 8 months, but we switched to formula because I just couldn't do it anymore. Hang in there mama, we will get through this. πŸ™πŸ»


Jasmine β€’ Sep 24, 2017
Oh my. I understand. I literally just wanna nap. All day. I'm either exhausted or starving. My daughter also nurses, so I'm always starving and thirsty. 😩


Posted at
yes. my daughter has been really clingy and grumpy from teething. she's 9 months old and luckily my older 2 are in disney on vacation with my family till tues


Jasmine β€’ Sep 24, 2017
Vi usually loves snuggling and napping or napping in the little swing.


Ashley β€’ Sep 24, 2017
Ellie loves bed time just not nap time lol


Jasmine β€’ Sep 24, 2017
Oh man. I got lucky. My little lady loves her sleep (normally)