Same Day- Positive and Negative ovulation test

I was diagnosed with PCOS early this summer when I noticed extremely long cycles (50-100+ days), no evidence of ovulation, polycystic ovaries in an ultrasound, and androgen excess. I stopped the pill at the end of December and we've been TTC ever since. Today, for the first time, I had a Positive OPK on a cheapie test. I wanted to be sure so I took Clear Blue OPK test four hours later and it showed low fertility. Since I felt like I was losing my mind, I took another cheapie and it showed an LH surge. I want to believe so badly that I am ovulating but I am not sure. I haven't gotten any signs of a positive OPK since January but I've been on metformin for about 3 months, 1000mg now so I'm hoping this has had an impact. Has this happened to anyone else? Am I ovulating? Attached are both "cheapie" tests.