Weight gain while TTC


I don't know what is going on with me. It's driving me crazy and I know that isn't helping either. We have been TTC for 6 months with me deciding if it doesn't happen next month I'm not "trying" any more. Not preventing but not trying either, because let's be real it can be exhausting and annoying when you get that Negative 👎

But since my 1st son I have weighed between 144-147 for the last 2 years. Now in the last few months I have gained 15 pounds 156-160 and I don't know why. I wake up every morning at 5:30 to make sure I get my work out in, I eat the same and yet I keep gaining. A pound a week some times 2 I'm so overwhelmed by the weight gain without being pregnant it's starting to effect every part of my life. Oh and this 15 pounds is all in my stomach! It's like being pregnant but not!!!! I don't know if it's going to stop or Keep going up? When does it stop. Has anyone else seen this while TTC?