Who's had a subchronioc hematoma ?


So last week I had a dime size brown spot on my underwear and freaked out as this is my second pregnancy and last pregnancy bleeding or spotting wasn't a good thing. I called my ob office and they didn't seem concerned since that wasn't alot of blood they said to go to the er if more spotting occurs . Two days later I had like a peach ish color so I went to the er just in case they could find something early and maybe save my baby ( idk I hear you can get progesterone shots early and stuff , I was thinking the worst ) well anywho I get to the er and they drew my blood , checked to see if my cervix was closed , did a urine sample to make sure I didn't have any infections and finally a u/s . I thought I was 5w5days turns out i was 6w4d which was so exciting! I saw my little baby's heart flicker even tho it's so small . They sent me home with my discharge papers saying I have a subchorionic hematoma , they put me on pelvic rest no sex , orgasm, stimulation or lifting over 10 lbs. My bleeding tapered off for the past two days but last night I threw my leg over my husbands body and my junk rubbed up on him and I got excited. Literally he didn't touch me down there and i got aroused . No sooner did that happen I got cramps , well this morning I had a few spots when I went pee and a blood clot the size of your pinky nail , so extremely small but still scary . I'm sure it's just my hematoma but anyone else think it's something diff ? Also my levels were 27,180 something . I'm 7 weeks now and I go back for labs again today . Should I worry or just continue to drink water and take it easy