All he asks is space, distance and time...

Ok so I'm trying my hardest to provide him with all of those, but even when I do so... he still demands more? It's starting to feel like does he actually even wnna be in a relationship? So just to give you an idea, I was in his country but I flew back alone to my country back, So now we are miles away... I haven't seen him for a few days, and I been busy all day in uni texting him every now and then... yet as I arrieved home I called him to speak on the phone, we spoke for a while but for once I just wanted to be like on the call with him just comfortable there but he went straight like "can I have space to breath?" So I was like 😞 sure... but like I am not even close to him, haven't spoken to him properly all day... and I just miss him... it just sounded so cold and distant 😞