Every cycle I send myself insane hoping that every little thing is a sign & every month it's nothing.

It's just a period, again! Blood gushing from my vagina whilst causing me ungodly pain, making me want to eat my own body weight in chocolate. Simultaneously wanting to be loved and crying because my nipples are on fiiiire!! Like Mother Nature wasn't cruel enough then every Woman I know starts announcing their accidental pregnancy. Or "oh my Gosh, we didn't expect to catch first time. It'll happen when you stop thinking about it"

You know what,- fuck off hun! If I could stop thinking about it I would. But my body is playing tricks on me, my nipples have felt red raw for almost 3 weeks. For literally no reason!!!

Just get me pregnant already. Surely trying for a year is enough torment now!?

Rant over. Thanks for reading!