
Okay. I’ve been with my boyfriend a year and I love him so dearly and we’re so happy together. Bare in mind WE ARE 14 YEARS OLD. There are people in my year group in school (year10) that are having sex n doing all shit that I have no interest in doing (penis in vagina sex) so I have told my boyfriend I don’t wanna do it and he’s pretty supportive of my decision, this doesn’t mean I never ever wanna have sex with him but I’m 14, like, cmon?!

As a 14 year old girl I get worried over EVERYTHING. like my boyfriend had touched me and stuff outside my panties and felt down there but I panicked over pregnancy and infections so I, being smarter than that, decided I didn’t wanna do that often and I didn’t wanna get fingered and stuff like that until I was old enough to get birth control and for it to actually be legal

Boys in my year have been making fun and talking behind my back saying to my boyfriend ‘why have you and her not done anything? It’s been a year maybe you should split from her’ and I’m a really sensitive person anyways WITHOUT all these hormones on top of it and puberty and shut so I find this really hurtful. Do you think i am right by making these decisions or do you think the people making fun of me are right?