I feel the need to brag


Okay, so me and my SO have had some issues through out our relationship. Of course no relationship is gonna be perfect by any means. We have come to the decision that since we have moved I together it would be best for me to get on birth control until we decide we want kids. Birth control comes with the side effect of weight gain. I was in an abusive relationship with a man that drilled it into my head that it was not okay to be bigger then 130 or so, so I have been have second thoughts about getting on birth control just bc of that reason. Today, out of no where it just kind of got to me and I looked at my SO with tears and asked "If I get bigger, are you gonna leave me?" (I personally do not have any problems with people being bigger so no negative comments about me being judgmental bc I'm not) and he looked at me and said "baby, I love you and nothing is gonna change that" kissed me and then had me cuddle up to him and we watched movies. I am so very proud of him for handling it the way he did and making me feel so much better about it. He is absolutely amazing 😍