Difficulty TTC


With Baby number 1 I had a very hard time finding out I was pregnant. I didn't have any of the usual symptoms and still had a period for 6months. The only thing I had was fatigue but due to my busy schedule at the time I thought nothing of it. The only reason I took tests was because I had a feeling I was pregnant, something telling me in the back of my mind i was. Well I had 2 home pregnancy tests say negative and 2 drs test say negative (one was even a blood test). I found out I was pregnant with baby number 1 at 6 1/2 months when he started kicking me.

Now four years later I'm TTC baby number 2 and having difficulty again. I took a test 2 1/2 weeks ago that was positive but it was faint and since then all tests have been negative. I'm not sure what I should do...