Too many options..

I have PCOS so sometimes, my period happens, sometimes it doesn't. me and my boyfriend, we have sex, quite often. I've had sex with him in pretty much every part of my cycle, but I was due to have my period a month ago, and although when I had my ultrasound a week ago to check out my ovaries they said that my uterus had thickened lining, meaning i should start, I still haven't, my boobs hurt, I'm peeing like crazy. Now, also, my last period was when I had the mirana, it fell out and I haven't had a period since. It was only in for 2month. I haven't taken a test because I am going back to the doctor again soon, I don't feel a need to. but I'm trying to figure out, Is it a possibility? should I be worrying? I'm not ready for another child. and neither is my boyfriend. we're not ready.