After 3 attempts of more and more painful contractions 2-4 minutes apart going into the hospital to ...

After 3 attempts of more and more painful contractions 2-4 minutes apart going into the hospital to be told I'm only 2cm and need to go home all within 2 days. Every time being told come back when they are more powerful - they eventually became unbearable and still coming every 2 minutes for 3 days STRAIGHT - I kid you not... they did not subside. My 4th attempt, I'm not screaming bloody murder because of the pain and I'm finalllllly 4cm so they agreed to admit me! After a couple hours of waiting for a room on the labor and delivery floor we went up at 6pm, they offered me an epidural right away and of course I agreed - best decision ever. Seriously within minutes I wasn't feeling anything, they let me rest (after 3 days of no sleep because of non-dilating contractions) it was amazing to feel relaxed and pain free. The doctor came in to check me every few hours and by 1am I was 9cm! By 2am I told him I could now feel some pressure - he checked me and sure enough I was 10cm and baby's head was at 3peak and I was ready to start pushing. Best believe I was determined once I started !!!! At  4:32am my beautiful angel baby boy was brought into this world and all the pain was worth it 💙 
Carson James weighing 7lbs 13oz 20 inches long