emotional affair & heartbroken


I found out my husband had been carrying on an emotional affair with some woman that is out of state...he met on a poker app. I found out by looking through his phone randomly (rarely ever happens). It went on for a couple of months. it was mostly text messages...not sexual, but 2 weeks before I found out, he has been having phone conversations with her for hours while I was at work, or at night while I was busy. I want to try to forgive, but it's so hard. I found out about 4 weeks ago and since then, there has been zero contact. he dropped her immediately and swears that he felt like it was "make believe" because it was all virtual. he knows that it was wrong and apologizes profusely. ....i have 2 questions. first, has anyone ever stayed and get past something like this..and happy that they Did? how do you deal with the insecurities? ..second question....has anyone been the "side chick"? what was going through your head? no judgements....im trying to rationalize and understand the different points of view.