I Feel Like A Terrible Mother....

I feel like a terrible mom. My baby has developed her second staph infection/abscess under her diaper now and she is only 8 months old. The first one led to her being hospitalized. This one isn't nearly as bad, but looks terrible. She is on antibiotics and is going back to the pediatrician today, and it doesn't seem to bother her at all. My husband works two jobs and isn't with us much, but he is a very protective papa bear and although I don't think he blames me or means anything by it, his trying to find a cause makes me feel like it's my fault this keeps happening. Things like "maybe she isn't getting wiped off well enough" or "she needs to be changed more often" or "you need to wash your hands more frequently" or "her environment needs to be more controlled" and "you need to get rid of your cat. They carry bacteria." (which i refuse to do and then feel even worse because then it becomes a matter of what's more important, the baby or the cat, even though there's no evidence that my cat is the cause). Since I am her primary caretaker, I'm feeling like it's all my fault. Even though we don't even know the real cause -- it's not like she has open wounds or diaper rash or anything. They just pop up out of nowhere. I'm at my wits end. I don't know what else I can do to keep them at bay and the doctors tell us to just put medicated ointment on them as soon as they pop up... but clearly that hasn't worked. I feel like a terrible mom because... what if it IS something I'm doing? We've already followed the staph decolonization protocol the doctors gave us. The doctors have even said there could be a genetic componant too. My little girl does not deserve this and if it IS my fault...