Dr. Called and scared the crap out of me

Melissa • TTC 3 years. IVF BFP 9/17. 🥚due 5/18

I need some good vibes. Got my BFP after <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and a 3dt of 2 embryos.

I had three betas last week. 109, 143 and 271. The nurse said she was happy and no worries. I've been calm and happy for four days and having lots of BFP symptoms z

Today, the doctor from the clinic called herself. She told me the rise from day 1 to day 2 wasn't what she wanted to see and we would know more with an ultrasound and she has to "remain cautious".

She said nothing about ectopic or miscarriage and I even asked her if she agreed with the nurse, that it was likely two took and only one held on and she did yes, that was likely.

I am just unbelievably freaked out now and I can't calm down. She was happy with the 3rd beta but the 2nd one is still concerning? I half feel like she was telling me I was about to miscarry.

Any calming or positive thoughts or even a "you're being a complete nutcase, calm down" would be appreciated