Horrible periods.

brook • 22 years old
I know I know mostly every women has horrible periods but this month and last month mine have been so bad, last month I had the worse cramps ever I was literally crying like a child, mind you I am 20 years old and use to cramps, I was nauses which ended up me actually puking 3 times, my legs cramped up so bad that I could hardly move and it was like that for the first 2 days. Now this months, really really heavy constantly changing my pad, bad cramps like normal I normally take a hot bath to help and pain meds but they aren't helping and I have had a horrible migraine for the past two days and it's causing the entire side of my face to hurt and I have no appetite what so ever and when I do try to eat I feel nauses. So anything I can do to help with the cramps, migraine, and nausea? Please anyone? 😟