UPDATE IN CASE YOUR BABY IS GOING THROUGH THE SAME! AWFUL baby acne.. I feel like a terrible mother..💔

Courtney🐧 • Mommy of one perfect little girl 💜

I feel so bad!! It doesn't seem to bother her, and everyone says it's normal, but is it normal for it to be this bad?! I keep it clean and dry, I've tried using breast milk because someone said it would clear it up but it seemed to make it worst.. I feel like a bad mom because of it, even though it's probably just her hormones regulating like everyone says.. her face was so flawless a week ago, now I can't take photos because I feel like people will judge me as a mother 😢 is there anything I can do to help her?! Opinions, experiences, ANYTHING much appreciated!!

First off, Thank you to everyone for your amazing replies!! They made me feel so much better!!

I did lots of research after her face got even worst it got BADDDD and it went to her head, forehead, chest and neck while breast milk and aveeno baby didn't help whatsoever.. I found this calendula cream by California baby! It was super expensive but had all good reviews so I said why not! A day and a half after the first application, and her acne or whatever it was if not acne is basically GONE! Her face is almost back to flawless again, I'm so happy! It smells good and is super gentle so I even use it on myself; I love it! It's totally worth coughing up the money!!