Questions for mamas with multiples

So I’m really early pregnancy, no way to tell I’m having twins but I have been dreaming for months that I have twin girls, this is before my pregnancy too. Now I would chop it all up to coincidence except I tested way early, earlier than I should have and I even have the doctors baffled. This is my second pregnancy, my first I tested 2 weeks after my af was due this time I tested positive 7dpo on a hpt. YES WAY BEFORE MY PERIOD. Had an ultrasound and doctors say my dates are correct but don’t want to believe it themselves. Any who, I have heard multiples can cause early testing and doubling of the hcg hormone. Just want to know if any other mamas had a similar experience and did in fact find out they were carrying twins or more.

I really appreciate the feed back. Please no negative comments, just honest experience.