Fussy 7 week old baby girl


My baby girl has started fussing a lot while feeding and that too with the nipple in her mouth. This happens only at night. If anyone sees her crying at that time they would feel that I am a very bad mom who keeps her baby hungry all the time. I have even tried burping her when she starts fussing but even after burping the fussiness does not stop. Also she has been having trouble sleeping at night. She sleeps only on my chest and that too for 10-15 mins and then a crying spell for about half an hour starts after which she sleeps again for 10-15 mins. This goes on for around 2-3 hours. The moment I lay her on the bed she opens her eyes and starts crying again and even if I let her sleep on top of me she would still wake up and start crying 😰. And this is the same baby who sleeps so peacefully during the day. I don't know what to do and I am exhausted all night. Does this happen to anyone else? If yes then what do you do? Need help desperately!!

Updated --- Also she seems to cry more in my hands and seems calmer with my mom or mom in law 😔...I must be a terrible mom and she probably hates me 😔