Should I complain against my professor? Kind of a rant

I'm a junior in college and I have never in my school career complained on or started anything with one of my professors. I'm very quiet and shy and usually let things slide but this professor I have this semester is just too much. He is very confusing and the whole class never understand what he's talking about. On top of that he will pick on and harass a student for the whole hour we are in class. If that was it I probably would just let it slide. But he recently said something that just pissed me off. The topic of rape was brought up (it's a social deviance class so that's not too strange) but what is strange was what he said. He asked us "what causes rape" and the class explained how people who see others as objects or lack of caring for others causes rape. He says "No. it's what she is wearing. I can not tell you some of the things I see these women wearing." To say I was angry was an understatement. And I was even more shocked that no one said anything or seemed to care. I was the only one who was like WHAT. I plan on complaining because I feel that's completely unprofessional and ridiculous. In a way I feel like I'm over reacting because no body else seems to care but it's really been bothering me. 😪

*i guess I will add that yeah I think 100% he was being serious only because he has said other things like this before and you can feel the whole class is super uncomfortable but just doesn't want to start anything with him. I swear this dude is nuts he even said one time "most women are prostitutes because they use sex to get what they want" 😤