Marriage probs


Hello everyone,

I am posting to find out what others would do in a situation like this. I don't really want to ask my or my husband's family because I feel like they are both biased, so I thought to reach out here.. I've been getting really frustrated with my husband lately because literally ALL HE DOES is play video games on the laptop. He plays runescape which you know, that's his hobby and I'd never try to take it away from him but I also feel like there's a line between a hobby and your life. It's all he talks about, thinks about, and does. We don't hardly get out of the house because we don't have a lot of extra money to spend, (although I try to explain there are free things to do) and I just got a job today (yay!) but prior to today, everyday and weekend are spent inside, while he plays on the computer, and I sit around. I get out and do stuff by myself quite a bit just because who wants to just sit inside all day every day?! Not this girl! We are 21 and have no children, which to me, feels like the right time to get out and explore (he's in the navy so we are away from home now), but he insists he only wants to play his game.. what do I do? Complaining about it gets me no where but dismissed for being "selfish" or pretty much out of luck because it is his hobby.. what would you do? Do I just get over it? What is a good compromise? I'm independent so I don't mind doing things by myself but its so much more fun to do things with him because I haven't made too many friends at this duty station yet. Sorry for the long post.. I've never posted here before or on any public forum so I'm kind of nervous but really want some insight from non-biased people! Thanksss ♥️ -K