Dying my hair

I want to dye my hair a bold color, but I don't know what I want to do. I dont want my whole head to be bright pink or anything, but maybe my whole head to be like a subtle pink orange. Or just my ends to be bright blue or something.

To be clear, I realize I'd have to bleach my hair for bright colors. I just don't know what I want to do. Maybe I should just get blonde highlights? Or just my tips blonde and fade the brown out?

What do you guys think would work best? My sister once dyed her whole head a subtle red and it looked awesome, maybe I should too

Sorry this has so many variables but I honestly have no idea what I want. The only things I won't be doing is

1) making my whole head a bright color (i might make my whole head a subtle color though)

2) make my whole head one solid color, like if i make it red I'll have the ends more red and some parts lighter and others darker, so it looks a bit natural

I know this is complicated but I would appreciate the help! Btw those pictures are me (lol duh)

Note: I understand and appreciate that some of you will comment "do whatever you want! You'll look beautiful no matter what you do"

However I myself don't know what I want to do, so you can just comment what you think will look best on me! Thank you!