Would you let someone be the God parent of your child if you didn’t like their SO?

My best friend and I have been best friends for 14 years.

She has been with her SO for 5 years. They broke up in may (he’s been unfaithful their entire relationship, lies/ manipulates) but she still communicates/ sees him and has him over from time to time. She needs to heal/ dealing with the breakup her own way, whatever, not my business.

But I originally wanted her to be the godmother of my son. I just don’t know what to do if they end up back together. Overall he’s not the type of person I want around my children (or myself for that matter).

I love her and support whatever she wants to do in her personal life, but I wouldn’t want my child staying the night with her if they’re together. I couldn’t let her ex influence my son in anyway. I want my child to have a relationship with their god parents because I have an amazing relationship with mine and my Godson.


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