Advise!! Help!!

Summer • In love with my best friend❤️ mommy to a beautiful 2 year old baby girl Anastasia Reneè🌸 and a handsome 2 month baby boy Anderson Raylen🏈

So I went to the er per my drs advise for sharp pains on the left side they did blood,ultrasound my ultrasound showed a early pregnancy in my uterus to small to see anything I am 4 weeks 2 days but it also shower ovarian cysts on my right side and something complicated on my left?? What? They said it could be an ovarian cyst or an etomic pregnancy!!??? On Friday my levels were 105 and yesterday they were 1538 she said they can start to see things at 1500 so I have another blood, ultrasound Friday! But has anyone had anything like this?? I'm so worried!!