life gets worse as you get older

I'm 30 years old, I am always angry always stressed always down bad things happen to me every day like small things , things go wrong. i get anxiety bad every day and sometimes night. I live with my family who stress me out each day. they don't listen to me they ignore me and they make me feel like I dont belong because I TAKE after my dad and they dont like it. I feel like I'm unlucky in everything love jobs money family relationships. been trying to get a job for 5 years no luck no one will give me a chance, I have been on benefits since then and I hate it. I want my own independence and money in my pocket that I earn. I havent had not one decent relationship with any bloke they all used me lied cheated abused me physically, I been bullied all my life and criticised for my looks and for who I am. I never felt wanted or appreciated in this life . have had health issues concerning my.stomach since I was 2 years old. know one take me seriously. I get shouted at and blamed for things that aren't my fault I get bullied and even to this day I still get bullied, I am made to look like im a bad person. got no trust or patience for no one any more. no one to turn to. That includes family and friends I only have a few who I dont even see. so I'm on my own and no bloke wants to settle down with me or be with me in a relationship only want to use not like that to be honest. I just wanna be happy but seems I dont get that and never am happy because life seems to throw crap at me every day knocking me back.