Call me nuts

:) • Momma to a boy 12•03•15🤎 a girl who was born on and passed on 07•19•17👼🏼 my rainbow 09•06•19❤️ my pot of gold 10•19•21❤️ chemical 11-2022❤️due 09•17•23❤️

But every time I pass a magic 8 ball, I ask if I'll conceive this cycle.... I always get yes.

THEN just now I did it for shits and giggles online, and it said yes. Then I asked if it was lying and it said very doubtful... so I again asked "so this means I'll conceive this cycle" and it said yes again 😂😍😅

Yoooooo I hope this shit is true 🤷🏽‍♀️