Any Help!


I need help. 1 year from today exactly I woke up in excruciating pain and rushed to the emergency room thinking it was my appendix or kidney stones. I sat in waiting room for 8 hours... never being called back I left. I went to my general practitioner that afternoon and they took a Urine test and found nothing but a bit of blood. They passed it off and said it must have been a small kidney stone that I passed. Feeling a bit better I attended my evening classes( occasionally getting sharp pain) coming home and going to sleep. Again, I woke up in horrible pain. We ended up in er again this time being called back, they take urine test and ultrasound and come into tell me that I have a uti (specifically a kidney infection) and send me back with prescription for an antibiotic. The pain healed greatly but I still get sharp/burning pains. I went to a urologist who told me after looking at my urine test that he could pretty much say I never had a uti. I then went to gynecologist, he told me I wasn't pregnant (duh) and that I should be on birth control due to my irregular period( up to 60 days in between) but he saw no real area for concern but for me to get a cat scan. I did. Results came back normal. I feel nauseous all the time, with headaches, stabbing pain and burning in my lower abdomen/ right kidney. Nobody sees any concern but us. I am in desperate need of advice. Thanks for reading this long post!