sleepless night for someone not worth it?

i was with a guy for a while. we had just made 6 months a few days before he dumped me. It was by far the BEST relationship ive ever been in. He treated me so well and ive never loved anyone the way i love him right now. He told me that he needed some time on his own to focus on him self and school because his grades werent all that great the year before. i didnt agree to it but i understood. then a couple weeks after the breakup people started saying rude things to him and eventually he cut me off completely and became such an asshole not only to me but alot of people. A mutual friend of ours told me he mentioned that he fell out of love months before he finally broke it off and that hes not talking to me to make it easier to move on from my part. which i dont understand because he was constantly telling me he loved me and we were still sexually active a week before. Its been two months since the breakup and no matter how hard i try i cant get over it. Am i supposed to feel this horrible? was i just being used?