Finally my little September baby arrived! Safe and healthy!


The induction was almost unsuccessful it seemed! After 24 hours my cervix wouldn’t soften which it needed to to start pitocin. They were gonna send me home instead of try the last dose of cytotec. I walked for an hour and bounced on the ball for another hour abd then finally I went from 2cm and 60% to 3 and 80% so I could start the pitocin! As soon as I got my IV things got intense really fast I am glad I asked for an epidural asap (anestelologist was in surgery) by the time he got there my water broke and I was in a lot of pain (and EXTREMELY tired from the last 48 hours of seemingly useless contractions) it only took 2 hours after starting pitocin for me to be 10cm and they wanted to wait another hour before letting me push!! The pain was coming through my epidural and they kept telling me to just press the button for more. I did a few practice pushes and they let me keep going it felt way better to push than sit and do nothing. After 50 min of pushing she made her arrival right at 6:30Pm 7lbs 13oz 20.5 inches I had one very very small tear. She has been breastfeeding soo well I am very proud, no issues latching or with pain I feel very grateful because I always wanted to breastfeed her from day one finding out I was pregnant!