First Response Early Response False Faint Lines!


Just wanted to share my experience since I've noticed quite a few others are getting vvvvfl with FRER. So on Saturday the 23rd I spontaneously decided to take a test and got a veryyyy faint line (top test in picture below). I get a little excited and wait three days to test again just to get another extremely faint line (bottom test in the picture, line was hard to capture). I'm super confused at this point and just decide to track my ovulation. I get an extremely positive OPK last night on the 27th and again this morning. Just out of curiosity (and to make sure the OPKs weren't picking up on HCG) I took another FRER and yet again I get a veryyyyy faint line just like the previous tests. Now that I know I'm definitely ovulating and not pregnant, it's obvious that these lines are 100% false. I don't know why this happened, but I'm assuming the tests are faulty someway somehow 🤷🏼‍♀️ anyway, I just wanted to share and I hope this helps some others who are getting similar vvvfl. I'm not saying your tests are wrong and that you're not pregnant, but just don't trust the very faint lines.