Why not play the guessing game


At 11w 4d I had the early detection gender and genetics blood test done. There was a "mix up" at the drs office and only the genetic part was tested (we have a gender reveal party planned for October 1st and have family coming in town for it, and the test date was September 11th). Was told the results would be in no later than 10 days so at the 10 day mark I called and they explained that the baby is healthy, thank god bc honestly that's what's important, but that the gender wasn't taken during the test. They told me the lab still had my blood work and would rerun the test but it would be an additional 10-14 days. That puts us over October 1st. SO I order the "sneak peek" at home test, I've had a friend use it twice and it worked so I gave it a shot. Ordered the expeditited test, it wasn't expeditited. It got to the testing center later than it should've and then they emailed me saying that my blood sample wasn't adequate for their testing. So now I've paid $1,000 and have no answer and have to cancel/reschedule the party for when I'm 20 weeks and just get the sonogram. So for fun guess what my baby is based off my first ultrasound!!