Roommate Issues


I need to rant...I'm so frustrated. i came home after work to find my roommate sleeping on the couch (not what bothered me). I then go to the kitchen and find a pot of boiling water so since he was asleep I turned it off (just a little grumpy at this point). I go to take a bath and when I open the door when I'm done I smell a burning smell and see he's asleep so I go to the kitchen to find that the pot was put back and boiling again but all the water had boiled away and the pot was burned and charred. At this point I'm pissed. 1. He ruined MY pot. 2. That is so irresponsible. 3. he could have caused something worse to happen whether to the apartment or to himself or the 2 cats we have. I'm beyond pissed and don't know what I should do. I go back to my room and also noticed something. His doorknob is broken off. What. Rggghhh