son asked me when I was going to have another UPDATE


my son is 11 and for the past few years has been asking for a brother or sister. his father and I haven't been together most of his life and my and my boyfriend of 9 years have been trying off and on for 5 years to give him a brother or sister.

we have been to get test after test done and they keep telling us everything is good we shouldn't be having any issues but here we are five years and still nothing.

my son dad is going to be having a baby with his wife and now my son has been asking more and more for us to have a baby. I haven't told him that we are trying. We have another appointment with the doctor and we will be taking him to this one it is in just under two weeks.


one our way to the appointment we talked to our son and told him what we were going for and why we were going there we told him that we had been trying for some time and that we were having a hard time with it.

we asked him if he had any questions and told him that if he did that he could feel free to ask at any time. he didn't have any questions. but he was very happy that he got to go with us and he had the day off school to come and I asked if he would like to come to other visits to the doctors and he said as long as he doesn't him gym days lol