Nicu moms please help 😞

Alexis • Mommy to 31 week preemie twins ❤️❤️

I need some words of encouragement I have my twins at 31 weeks unexpectedly. Over the oat three weeks they have done nothing but progress. Which I am very blessed and happy about. We have gotten to the point now where they are learning to bottle feed the order the dr currently has is 4 bottle in 24 hours also if the baby is queuing. When ever I am there both babies que they always drink all of their bottles with no problem. When I am not there I get in report the next morning that they were not interested in their bottle so the nurse just gave them their feeding through their tube. Which I have a hard time understand because they both suck thief bottles down and I feel like it is easier for the nurses to put their feeding on a pump instead of taking 15-20 min to encourage them to drink their bottle. Idk what to do or say in that situation. The other problem we are having is Brady's and desats. I understand those are normal and all I keep hearing is that they think it is reflux and they will grow out of it. Their heart rates never drop below 60 and their oxygen never drops below 80 during a episode. The monitor will go off if the babies move their feet or during diaper changes or holding the babies and most nurses will say it's a false alarm while others will mark it down as a desat just because the monitor beeped. I feel like we will never get out of here. I am their mother and I couldn't even take them home if I thought they were ready. Not that I am a nicu nurse but I am a nurse. I am just discouraged. I want my babies home