False Positives?

So, I have a 10m old and am on the mini pill because I'm still breastfeeding. We don't have any other methods in place. That being said, I have chronic migraines and last week went on for a toradol shot and then the following day, a nerve block shot to numb it so I could function for a day as it had gone on over a week and I had to mom properly. Monday I took a pregnancy test just on a whim wondering if that might be why I was having issues regardless of starting a weird period up again after having not had one since my postpartum bleeding (I've had 4 "periods" each 2 weeks apart and lasting 3 days). the test was positive. I took another that night in panic, it was negative. I took another the following morning, negative. I took another 2 days later, negative. How have you guys dealt with false positives or "scares"? I'm not ready for another baby but it's not a question for us as to whether we would keep it or anything, but how do you deal with the uncertainty of the positive and then the negatives. I'm not so much worried about being pregnant, I just don't know if I should trust the one that says I am or the 3 that say I'm not. Was it a fluke that it was positive and it's a false positive or are the others wrong and I just don't have a very high hgc level in my system yet? help?