Moving in with the boyfriend

Hey ladies! So I've been dating my current boyfriend for quite a while now and I'm positive that he's the one! We're both in our late 20's/early 30's and both have great jobs. He brought up the idea of me moving in with him about 5 months ago, but at the time I gently turned the idea down because it seemed too soon for me even though it seemed so right. Now 5 months down the road I'm super eager to move in, but he's never brought the topic up since.. I'm wondering if you girls have some advice on how to tell him that I'm ready now without seeming like I'm forcing myself on him. Do I just bluntly ask him to move in? (that is sooo not my style lol). Do you think he has totally lost interest/gotten the wrong impression from me? Or is he merely waiting for me to bring up the topic? Honestly I might lose my mind if no 'next step' in the relationship occurs soon!