When will it be my turn ? My life sucks


So my husband and I have been together for 3 years , his family says I’d be smart to have a baby young which I really appreciate everyone’s opinions and we barely found out that he has 1% morphology which makes it hard for us to. Get pregnant , I’ve been looking Into <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> but he doesn’t really seem up to the idea of wasting money...... my best friend just got into a fight and it ended up with “i don’t know because i won’t have kids of my own” and it really just fucked with my mind . And my husband saw me crying and said it was a stupid thing to be crying about . He said he doesn’t care if we have kids or not . Having kids Is one of my biggest dreams and for him not to try like i do is frustrating.. but he gets really excited for his best friends to have babies ? I married the wrong person for sure .. I hate feeling so alone & hate seeing everyone pregnant when I won’t ever get pregnant . 😔