Obnoxious friend who doesn't know basic etiquettes getting on my nerves 😠

I am 15 weeks pregnant. Apart from a few close friends and a few family members we haven't disclosed it yet. A friend of my husband (who lives in a different country and stalks me on social media) asked him if I was pregnant. When asked how she knows she told him that I had posted on social media from which she guessed. Then my husband started lecturing me why I posted and bla bla.. I explained to him that I hadn't posted anything. I had actually liked some maternity pictures of other women.

I just can't believe people can be so insensitive and obnoxious. First she keeps lurking at my page, makes wild guesses and then is rude enough to ask. Add to this the fact that my husband thinks it is fine for her to ask as she is his friend. To hell with their friendship. I barely know the girl. Haven't even met her. How can she probe into my personal life?