

Not everyone deals with depression the same way, some may just stay in bed all day, does that make them lazy, NO! They're probably laying there because that's where they feel their safest or most comfortable or they can't bare the thought of getting up and living today. Some may go out with their friends and go drinking and clubbing, does that mean that they're suddenly cured, NO!! Maybe they're just going out because they need a distractions, or they want to drink it away, and want to be around the people they love because they make life feel bearable. Some may be social, or antisocial, everyone deals with depression differently. To some of us it may make no sense, but for them it does and if it helps them then even better. And depression isn't something that you can let get to you, you don't automatically get to decide how depressed you want to be that day, how much you want it to affect you, because trust me if you could, no one would choose to be depressed.

Depression just happens, out of the blue, it can hit you just like that at times you could be happy one minute and WAM depression hits, sometimes something could trigger it because of a trauma you've gone through or something and you may not even know what it was that triggered it. Or sometimes depression doesn't even hit you by surprise because it's been there with you 24/7. And for those who say "Just take a pill for it" Not everyone with Depression wants to take a pill! For many people that's not an option. A pill isn't a cure for all.

This is just some of my personal experiences with depression and other peoples personal experience with it as well that have told me about their experience. Some people may not agree or feel as if this is completely wrong but this is just my opinion