Always expect the unexpected!


I was sent to the hospital at 39 weeks for gestational hypertension. I had ballon catheter inserted at 5pm and was told I was 1 cm and not even close so to prepare for a long delivery. In the morning I was only having mild contractions. They checked me and I had only moved to a 3 in 14 hours, disappointed I settled in for a another long day. The doctor decided to break my water, get the patocin ready and call for an epidural that I planned on getting around 8am. At 8:45 I was having contractions on top of each other but the monitor wasn't picking them up for some reason but I pushed the call light to tell them I thought I might have to push. The nurse basically laughed saying they haven't even started the drugs yet. When she showed up and checked me boom 10 cms and so ready to push! I was swarmed by doctors and 2 hours later my son was born. Not at all what I had planned. I wanted an epidural but ended up unmedicated (I begged for it) I tired the nitrous but it did nothing but make me loopy and everyone said I wasn't making sense and it did nothing for pain. I had a retained placenta, nucal cord, a hemorrhage and 2 tears post birth. It was a very traumatizing process but I made it ❤️ Stay strong ladies our bodies can do amazing things even when we think we just possible can't.