Pregnant already!?


So I had my implant taken out August 23rd, I had my first period exactly 2 weeks later which lasted 5 days. We have been ttc since then and I tracked my ovulation to be on the Tuesday just gone. I done a positive ovulation test. We had sex every night from Monday through to Friday. This may sound crazy but since Friday night I have been peeing constantly, I've felt sick, I've had insomnia (which I never ever have, I usually fall asleep instantly), I've had headaches and I always feel hungry even though I've had a full proper meal. Could it be possible that I'm feeling symptoms of pregnancy already!? Or is it in my head?? Surely it will take a few months from having my implant taken out for my cycles to regulate and for me to actually fall Pregnant! I'm really confused. I'm not due on again until the 10th of October I believe so I can't even test yet. I've done one pregnant test which was obviously negative...