
So my DS is about 24 days old. At first he used to be fine with sleeping while others held him or being put down in my bed to sleep but something changed. He refuses to sleep in bed, his swings, his car seat, the couch, other people's arms, pretty much anywhere but with me. It started about a few days ago and it's getting worse by the minute. Last night he woke up every single time I put him down to sleep. I finally gave up and slept on the couch with him in my arms and my bare boob under his cheek. It's soooo frustrating. I can't do anything or even go anywhere without him. He slept a total of 2 hours today because he kept waking up and now I'm dealing with an angry baby who's extremely over tired. Has anyone gone through this or is currently dealing with this? I have no idea what to do and my nipples are dying for a break.