Every woman’s dream labor (sorry!)

Brittney • I`m 32 years old and have a almost 2 year old son (bday 9/3) and pregnant with our little girl (due 10/4)

She’s here! Alice Elizibeth was born 9/22 at 4:56pm, 7lbs 4oz, 20 1/2 inches long. 38+2

On Wednesday I went in for my 38 week appointment where my midwife checked my cervix and SURPRISE! I was at 4cm. So we go on baby watch hard at that point since I had been having contractions on and off. Fast forward to that Friday, my contractions are now consistent enough to start tracking. By about 2pm I’m at 5:1:1 BUT I don’t find the contractions to be particularly strong. I’m still talking...cleaning etc. I call labor and delivery and they tell me to sit and drink some water and if they are not gone in an hour to come in. Well 30 min go by and now the contractions are getting progressively stronger. I can’t talk through them anymore. So me and my husband pack up and go! And THANK GOODNESS WE DID!

We get to the hospital around 3:45. Go to triage and I’m now at 6cm. My water breaks and the contractions are now double peaking. They take me up to my labor room, get me all hooked up and BAM! My body starts to push. This scares me a bit because it seems too soon. It’s only been maybe 20 min since I was at 6cm!! But this is my second med free labor and I knew it was time. They checked and sure enough my baby is RIGHT THERE. 5 min later and maybe 7 pushes and she’s out! I had two minor tears but I was ready to go home like right then. Easy recovery and healthy baby. If we would have left ANY LATER we would have hit horrid traffic and she could have been born on the side of the road. She was born only and hour after arriving to the hospital
