What’s wrong with me??

Whitney • Wife (5/20/17). Christian. Mommy to Ryleigh (8/08/18). 👨‍👩‍👧

So I’ve been having a lot of weird random symptoms. And my husband thinks I could be pregnant. But I’m worried that it’s not that.

I wanted to share my symptoms, and maybe get some feedback on what people think it is?

*Severe nausea: I could be random, and it’s so bad that I can’t really eat.

*Backache: mostly my lower back. Not like a stabbing, but a soreness.

*Extreme fatigue: It’s worse than I normally am. I get super weak and tired and can’t really do anything, or I have to take breaks.



I don’t know what else it could be. Oh, and missed periods. My last period ended towards the 20th of July.

I see the OB tomorrow. But any ideas would be helpful!