Elijah Finn


My little love nugget born on September 21st at 8:39pm.

I had gone to my 40 week appointment on the 20th and had felt like I was having contractions but wasn't sure. When they checked me, I was 3 centimeters and the ultrasound tech was measuring the baby at 9 pounds 3 ounces. My doctor swept my membrane and went ahead and scheduled me to be induced the next morning which was the day after my due date.

We got to the hospital at about 5:30 the next morning and they started me on IV fluids until about 7 when the doctor got there and broke my water and started the pitocin. My contractions started slowly and painlessly for a while but eventually I went ahead and asked for the epidural when. The epidural did the job as far as not being able to feel the baby come out, but I was having back labor and could feel the contractions in my back pretty much the whole time. They would occasionally give me a boost and it would dull the pain long enough for me to get some rest but by 7 it was unbearable and I admit to crying and starting to have a minor freak out.

My husband was my rock and stayed by my side throughout the whole thing. We started pushing close to 7:20 and by 8:39 my son was born. I will never forget that moment and will never forget the nurses and doctor that were so amazing to me throughout the process.

Elijah Finn came bright eyed into the world at 8 pounds 10 ounces and 22 1/2 inches. I never knew my heart could be so full.