My secret Sugar Daddy


So for about two months now, I’ve had a sugar daddy who’s been paying my bills, buying my groceries, given me shopping money, he’s even taken care of a few of my debts. At first there was no sex involved until the past week.

I was always like no bc I didn’t want to feel like a prostitute, but he’s been helping even before then, judge, idc.

So the second time we had sex, I told him that I was super submissive and like aggressive sex. So he asked me if he could use a belt, I said sure and it was amazzzziinnngg. I’ve never been spanked before ✨ just choked and slapped but he says he doesn’t feel comfortable doing that.

Today is his birthday and I’m hosting at my house and I told him to pick up a few toys. From what he told me he got ALOT. I’ve never played with toys so I’m nervous but excited at the same time.