Low amh question


I am 36 y/o and we have been ttc for for 16 months now after a miscarriage. We started seeing an infertility specialist last month and on our first visit she did a vaginal ultrasound to check my egg reserve. She was extremely happy with my right ovary as she saw 10 follicles but she couldn't see my left ovary die to a slightly tilted uterus. She said that overall she looks for 10 follicles on both ovaries but I had 10 on one. She also did an amh test and called me with the results today and they were a .75 which is low. She reassured me that it was normal for someone my age but she wants to do the cd3 test on Friday. has anyone had a good follicle count on ultrasound but a low amh? I'm very confused and upset and was hoping someone here has gone through the same thing.