Stress missed period and do I start taking birth control still?!


I just started college one month ago and it has been A HUGE change and balancing work and school is ridiculous. I just bought my first birth control that I had to wait to get with my own money...

I come home which is about eighty miles away every weekend. Sometimes I go and spend the night at my boyfriend's (who I've been with three years now) and naturally when you don't see your lover that often, things will go down... We always use a condom and I never let him finish inside me ever. So we had sex two times in the past month.

My period is now 7 days late and I was freaking out. I took two tests and both were negative. I called down and came to the conclusion based on online searches that it is stress induced due to the new living situation. I just decided to start taking my first birth control pill because my instructions were to take it the first day after my last period, which would've been today had my period come on time.

Will the birth control pill that I just took mess my period up more? Will my period even come? I had no symptoms suggesting pregnancy and just now I'm starting to get what I think is period symptoms but it could just be my nerves! Should I have started my new birth control today? If I took two tests that were negative, could I even be pregnant? Of course this all had to happen as soon as I get my birth control finally... I'm so nervous, somebody help!!!!