It's taken me a while to come to terms with my labour experience, but I really wanted to share it wi...

It's taken me a while to come to terms with my labour experience, but I really wanted to share it with you all...mainly so that I could get it off my chest. It was so quick and scary that I didn't really have time to think about what was happening. I was sooo excited when I found out I was pregnant, I was filled with joy and could wait to tell my other half. I sailed through pregnancy with no issue at all. My little mans due date came and went and on Tuesday 25th July 2017 when he was 12 days late I went in to be induced. My appointment was booked for 9:30, but they didn't induce me till 11:30 where I had to stay on the monitor for another hour and then after that because my pregnancy was classed as low risk I was able to go home and (hopefully) let things develop from there. So at 13:30 my mum picked me and my
Partner up and took us back to hers where she cooked lunch and tea to save me the hassle. At 16:00 I started to get back ache but I didn't think much about it as I have always struggled with my back so just thought it was playing havoc on me and although it eventually got to a point when the pain became too much that I went and curled up in bed and that's where I stayed for the next couple of hours between having to go to the toilet. It eventually got to 19:15 when the midwife phoned me to see how I was getting on and I explained that I was just experiencing back ache and she told me to take some paracetamol and have a warm bath. Well I didn't manage to do either of those things as just before 20:00 my waters broke while sat on the toilet. We phoned the maternity unit and they told me to go in. When I got there (around 8:32) we were greeting by the grumpiest midwife where she asked me what colour my waters were and she wasn't impressed when I turned around and said I don't know as I was sat on the toilet. As it happens my waters were a brownish colour and before I could even blink she told me that I needed to go straight to labour and delivery...she wanted me to walk it and when I told her 'NO' she got very stroppy with me and that caused mine and my partners stress levels to go through the roof. By the time I got to L&D I was very upset. I got on to the bed where the midwife asked if she could examine me, which I consented to and she said there is a head full of hair right there, so when a contraction comes just push. Just before this my mum and my partners mum had knocked on the door just to make sure we were both okay...but they didn't have chance to leave, (so ended up staying to see their grandson being born). I was told my baby's heart rate was dropping due to the meconium and that I had to get him out quickly, otherwise they would have to intervene and I really didn't want that to happen. A lovely doctor who had just come on shift came to see me, and instantly I was relaxed and felt and ease. However it all happened so quick that I had to have an episiotomy and without any pain relief and two pushes later, our little man arrived at 20:54, he had a sight cry, but needed help with his breathing initially so he was rushed down to special care to monitor his breathing and just in case they needed to help him later on. Just before midnight I was able to go down and see him where I was asked if I would like to try and feed him. He was connected to so many wires, it was overwhelming,I stayed  with him until 2 but my partner had to leave just after 1 and that was really hard. Our little man was allowed back to the ward with me just after 2 am. The doctor came back to see us both before he left in the morning to see how we were both doing. And said he has only been in half an hour and in that time he had, had a handover, come in to see me and deliverered a baby which was a first for him in that time scale. 😂  My little man wouldn't feed of me and the midwives and HCA's pushed and pushed me to try to get him to latch on to breast and he to him not feeding I had to stay in that even so they could monitor me and him. It started to upset me that they were trying so hard and still nothing eventually at 4 on the morning on the 27th July. I had, had enough and just wanted him to have something and eventually they let me have some formula so that he could have something. That afternoon we were allowed to go home, and then the adventure really did begin. Although we could not be happier the whole experience was a bit overwhelming for everyone. 
Noah was born at 20:54 weighing 7lbs 6ozs.