Had the twins...never taking them home ***update

Kacy • Mom of 3 💕 adopted 2, gave birth to 1. Gave birth to twins as a surrogate 💜 pregnant with triplets

I started having contractions on and off all day Sunday that were 20-25 minutes apart, My water broke at 7:05 Monday morning and my contractions were 7 minutes apart. I called my husband who was at work and he got home in 10 minutes to get me and take me to the hospital. On the way to the hospital I had to call the parents of these babies so they wouldn’t miss the birth. When I arrived at the hospital I told them my name and they already had a room reserved for me. They took me to the room and the parents (Stacy and Brad) were standing there waiting for me.

They were so excited that they finally got to meet the babies that they have been waiting for for more than 10 years. By the time they got all the monitors hooked up my contractions were 4 minutes apart and when they checked me I was 8 cm dilated. An hour went by and I got the strong urge to push when the doctor came in and checked me, I was 10 cm dilated and it was time to push. At 8:30 am a little baby boy entered the world weighing 4 lbs 3 oz and 2 minutes later a baby girl entered weighing 4 lbs 10 oz. I have never seen two people any happier than they were. I carried two babies in me for 34 weeks just to see those faces light up like that. Being a surrogate was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. 💕 (as much as I would love to take them home I know they are going to a good family)

First time they got put together

Baby girl ^^

Baby boy^^

Update***** the names they have picked are Sora for the girl and Lucas for the boy. They will have to have oxygen but they said they could go home next week ❤️ they are doing great

***another update***

They are home and doing very well