my csection from start to finish...


feel free to ask me anything. I have no shame, and I wish I would've had someone to ask questions to before my surgery! the week of my 40 week checkup, they told me my little girl was breech. She was sitting like a frog, inside my pelvis. (that hurts like hell, btw.) We scheduled a csection for Monday morning, 9/25, and 9:30am. I was a nervous wreck all weekend. I have never had surgery, and I have always wanted an all natural birth. a csection never even crossed my mind. We got to the hospital at 7:30, only to find out that there had been an emergency, and my room was taken. honestly, I wasn't mad, because I knew that someone else needed it worse than I did in that moment. my csection got pushed back to 2:30 pm. around 11 am, they started my IVs to give me fluid, to get ready for surgery. my IV leaked so bad, that they took it out of my hand several times, and had to restick me. that was uncomfortable, and it's still sore a week later. 2:00 pm finally rolls around, and the nurses come in with a hair net for me, and a blue suit for my hubby. they take us to the OR, and have hubby wait outside while they give me a spinal block. that didn't hurt at all, but it is a very weird feeling when your legs go numb like that! My nurses were perfect, and talked to me the whole time, and let me know what was going to happen before it came. I am FOREVER thankful for them. they laid me down, secured my arms, and then brought hubby in.. I remember hearing the radio playing, and it being Taylor swift! to calm myself down, we were all talking while waiting on my spinal to fully take affect, and I told them that they had awful taste in music...we all started laughing, and they said it was the doctors favorite. what's funny, is that my doctor is every bit of 65 years old. he loves new music. 😂 when my spinal finally kicked in, they pulled the blue curtain up, and went to work. the nurses kept talking to me, and told me to tell them if I felt funny, because the spinal can make your blood pressure drop, and make you feel woozy. I already have low blood pressure, so they kept an extra close eye on it. about the time I heard a machine alarm going off, I told the nurse at my head that I was going to pass out. She instantly pumped something into my IV, and I was back to feeling fine again. I started to hear chitter chatter, and my doctor told my hubby to look around the curtain. he did, and then started to cry. he squeezed my hand, and said "she's almost here, babe." a few seconds later, I heard her let out a tiny little cry, and the nurses all said how much hair she had! I started to cry, and instantly went into mom mode wanting to see my baby. that was the hardest felt like forever until I saw her, but it was only long enough for them to clean her up. they told my hubby he could come over and look at her, but he refused to leave my side. ❤ he said he didn't want to see her until I could, too. they wrapped her up, and brought her over to us. hubby held her up to my face, and I got my first kisses from my baby. hubby kissed me, and then the nurses took him, and baby, to my recovery room while they closed me up. I got stitched on the inside, and glued on the outside, with tape to hold it all closed. a few minutes later, the nurses transferred me to a new bed, which was scary because you can't move anything by yourself, so the nurses literally pick you up and move you to a new bed. it felt like I was floating. 😂 I got wheeled to recovery where they put my baby skin to skin with me, and she started to nurse. I was exhausted from the surgery, so I took a quick nap while hubby did skin to skin with her, and then a nurse asked if we were ready to see family. our families came in to visit, and then when they all left, hubby and I got some sleep. the nurses come in once an hour to check on me and baby, and kept asking if I wanted pain meds. I declined every time, and only took motrin for the soreness. Tuesday was the worst, in terms of recovery... it felt like I did 5000 sit ups. lol. then Tuesday afternoon, I developed the WORST headache I have ever had. I have a very high pain tolerance, but that headache had me in tears. I couldn't sit up, or stand without wanting to vomit, and cry. my nurse tried to control it with tylenol tuesdsy night, but it was killer. Wednesday morning before her shift change, she demanded that my anesthesiologist give me a blood patch. he finally agreed, so my nurse took me down to the OR floor. they sat me up on the bed, ran an epidural line to the spot that i had my spinal block, and then took a vial of blood from my arm, and inserted it into the cavity in my spine where spinal fluid had leaked out, causing an imbalance in the pressure around my brain, causing the spinal headache. 10 minutes later, the nurses sat me up, and it was INSTANT relief. apparently the spinal headaches only happen to 10% of women who have a spinal done, though. I was so thankful to my nurse for being my advocate. I kept thanking her, and cried because I felt so much better. I walked back to my room, in NO pain. after that, it was smooth sailing. we got discharged on Thursday afternoon, and have been doing wonderful ever since. my baby girl is fantastic, and my hubby is a champ. ❤ i still havent taken pain meds, and i honestly dont even feel like i just had a major surgery. please feel free to ask me anything. 😊